A Little Intro

It is a journey, this life. It is the commitment we made to the heavens to live this life, return to the ego, our human form. Encountering new people, i am stumbling through this life making my mark and letting the world know I was here. This is my life, my journey, my love. This is mine. Carpe Diem.

Check Her Out

Kim Cope Tait is a poet and most currently a novelist. Her new book Inertia, is absolutely amazing and inspiring. Check out her Blogger here and read weekly installments of her new book leading up through Chapter 1 in time for the April 16th release. Follow her at kdctait on Twitter. Enjoy !

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Poem for You, Beckie

crisp as the newfallen flakes
you glide along your haven of
white ice and there is nothing
that could stop, retain your true

passion to life, this life and every
moment within, you grasped
and made so much for everyone, you
small and softspoken, the biggest

heart that with every beat another
life, touched by your warm
smile, like the golden rays of the
morning sun, you light the earth

and you still do, your light was too
much for the restraints placed
on you, the limits of this earth
could not tame you and they knew
you could bring so much good from

above, for it is you who clears
the darkness from the skies to
bring into our hearts your light, your
love, your efferevecent glow

too big for this world, you were
sweet sixteen, you taught us more than
you know, but from what we have learned
decades of wisdom, we gained

your are the air we breathe
you are in the wind, the voice
in the mountains, the valleys
you are the snow, every flake

you are where we seek, the ethers
beyond this life, weightless, above us you are
free to be everywhere and in everything
and patiently below we wonder and
close our eyes, only
to discover

Sunday, January 16, 2011

opendrive... gotta love it

Poem by Victoria Redel

Maybe there is nothing special going on.
We are reading or we are eating supper,

Maybe we are driving a back road. I look over
and see that if I stopped the car and got out,

if I started dancing and singing on the loose dirt,
if I put down the book and held your face in my hands,

or pressed myself to you, it would not matter,
You are too far from me.

Grief—I’ve seen her at night;
the way she dresses up, my god, she sparkles,

she shimmers. I can't blame you. I'd go to her too.
Who wouldn't want her and then want her again

once they'd felt all the ways
she makes a body shake.

The Winner Is - DeVotchKa